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Is BCI (Brain Computer Interface) a road to immortality?

Brain Computer Interface

What is a Brain-Computer Interface?

Brain-computer interface is a technology which can read your mind and display it on a device - a mobile, laptop or TV screen. It means what data is being carried by our billion neurons are prone to hack. 

When combined with other mechanical devices, can also be used to control the device. 

So in future, if you want to switch on your TV or light, you just have to think and that's all. 

Google and Alexa home will be replaced by BMI controlled devices. 

I am not an expert in this field but based on my research and analysis, I can predict that when BMI tech will get matured, the human can do brain to brain talk and many other magical things - in future Telepathy will be a day to day affair.
BCI can give you all kind of experience from the comfort of your home. 
You can go on vacation without leaving your bedroom. You can have romantic experience without having a partner and many more such experiences.

After all, every experience is a simulation in certain areas of our brain.

I am thinking about what will happen to our economy or democracy then?

The brain tech is now gaining momentum and on July 16, Elon Musk announced that his company Neuralink is planning to implants electrodes into the brains of people with paralysis by 2020. BCI or BMI (Brain Machine Interface) is indeed a revolutionary tech and can benefit people suffering from motor disorders disease or Parkinson or Depression or Blindness etc. 

What are the key Breakthroughs in Brain Tech?
With Quantum computer becoming a reality, BCI tech will get tremendous momentum and in the next 15 to 20 years, BCI will be part of our day to day life. 

Today we are talking about the Internet of Things. 

Tomorrow it will be the Internet of Thoughts. 
Can you imagine the impact if someone hacks an IoT (T for thought)?
 Few of recent breakthrough in the area of BCI are worth reading and also mind-boggling:
  1. This device - MOOD RING - read your brainwaves to know your mood - It’s more than just a party trick — it’s first time scientists have made an explicit connection between brainwaves and emotional states, and it could have far-reaching implications for the future of treatments for mood disorders.
  2. The US Military is Testing Mood Altering, AI-Controlled Brain Implants in Humans (Mood loop)- The implanted electrodes are being used to track brain activity related to the mood in order to develop algorithms that can observe patterns.
  3. A New Vision-Restoring Brain Implant Could Give Sight to the Blind -  The vision-restoring implant will work by stimulating the visual cortex, as it tries to recreate the activity usually triggered by neuron signals from the eyes
  4. A Paralyzed Man Just Regained the Sense of Touch, Thanks to a Brain Implant - Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh have developed a set of brain implants that allowed a paralyzed man to feel sensations through a robot arm.
  5. Paralyzed Monkeys Able to Walk Again With Brain Implant. Human Trials Are Next - The neurologists behind the study reported that the implants restored function in the primates’ legs almost instantaneously.
Every major organization and university are investing a lot in the development of BCI. Few prominent organization are DARPA (US military Organization), Neuralink (Elon Musk funded company), MIT, Leading University in Asia and Europe.
The ethical application of BCI are many-fold but the danger is also many-fold.
What will happen if such invasive technology can steal our thoughts and who knows it can also hack our consciousness. 
If BCI promises a positive future for humanity, then we must embrace this new tech in future. The future of any technology depends on the hand of its users. 

Who knows BCI might hold the key to immortality?

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