1 SQL Concepts 1.1 Basic Data Types 1.2 Basic SQL Commands 1.1.1 Create Table SYNTAX: CREATE TABLE [Table Name] ([ColumnName1] [Datatype] ([size]), [ColumnName..n] [Datatype] ([size])); Rule for creating table: · Name can have maximum upto 30 chars. · Name should begin with an Alphabet (A-Z, a-z) and optionally followed by numbers (0-9) · Special character “_” underscore is allowed and also recommended. · SQL reserved words like create, select etc are not allowed. E.g. CREATE TABLE employee (employee_no varchar2 (10), employee_name varchar2 (25)); 1.1.2 Insert Data into Tables SYNTAX: INSERT INTO [TABLE NAME] ([COLUMNNAME1], [COLUMNNAME...N]) VALUES ([EXPRESSION1], [EXPRESSION2]); For e.g. INSERT INTO employee (employee_no, employee_name) VALUES (‘E001’, ‘Sachin Kumar’); Note: Character & Date expressions placed with in the INSERT INTO statement must be enclosed in single quotes. In INSERT INTO if the number of values is same as the number of column then ...
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