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Showing posts from September, 2012

HP QTP Tutorial Chapter 7

  1 Output  In my previous chapter, I discussed about QTP Checkpoints which is a very handy utility for comparing the expected and actual result. This chapter covers the topic of OUTPUT utility available in QTP. This utility is also very handy in capturing the run time values from the application under test. You will use OUTPUT utility where in you are testing and automating an end to end test scenario. In such a case output of one module is an input to next module. An end to end Business Scenario example is given below: Validate that user is able to book and cancel the flight ticket Step1- Navigate to booking site The user navigated to booking site Step 2- Enter valid login credentials The system allowed login and display the flight booking page Step 3- Fill the Booking Information & Submit the form The system generate a unique PNR number once data is proce...