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Showing posts from 2019

What about Selenium ecosystem as SaaS?

I am happy to share that recently I came across a Free Test Automation Platform built on cloud and well supported by a large testing community. The platform is called TestProject which is based on Selenium ecosystem. When I started analyzing the platform, I found it worth giving a try and also to know more about the open-source system. The three things which I really liked about the TestProject are: The tool and platform is free to use and right fit for the Agile way of working The platform is built on " Anybody can automate" concept The running force behind the whole ecosystem is WE - our testing community In the coming weeks and 2020, I will be sharing more information on how to get started on TestProject. Meanwhile, you can explore more information about

Is BCI (Brain Computer Interface) a road to immortality?

What is a Brain-Computer Interface? Brain-computer interface is a technology which can read your mind and display it on a device - a mobile, laptop or TV screen. It means what data is being carried by our billion neurons are prone to hack.  When combined with other mechanical devices, can also be used to control the device.  So in future, if you want to switch on your TV or light, you just have to think and that's all.  Google and Alexa home will be replaced by BMI controlled devices.  I am not an expert in this field but based on my research and analysis, I can predict that when BMI tech will get matured, the human can do brain to brain talk and many other magical things - in future Telepathy will be a day to day affair. BCI can give you all kind of experience from the comfort of your home.  You can go on vacation without leaving your bedroom. You can have romantic experience without having a partner and many more such experiences. ...

How an electrode (#Stimoceiver) can control your mind?

As I promised I am happy to share this article on mind control using a machine. I am very confident that after reading this article, you will know how mind control can be possible in the near future. This subject is always debatable on moral grounds and if I analyzed this technology in the context of AI Threat, then it seems like a nightmare when AI get hold of our own invention and research to turn against us. This is why many great scientists and people like Stephen Hawking or Elon Musk are fearful of AI Advancement. To better understand this article, let's understand a few terms and their meaning: STIMOCEIVER The Stimoceiver is a tiny transceiver implanted in the head of a control subject, which can then be used to modify emotions and control behaviour. (source - ). When we discuss Stimoceiver, the first name which pops our mind is of Dr José Manuel Rodríguez Delgado, José Manuel Rodríguez Delgado was a Spanish professor of phys...

How AI, Blockchain and QC (Quantum Computing) will work together?

Our techno think tank started the debate on the future of our world when we will move into an era of Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Technology and Blockchain. In this article, I invite all my readers to share their views on these technologies. AI (Artificial Intelligence) AI is a very hot topic these days and everyone is upgrading their skills in machine learning, python, statistics, mathematics, Tensorflow etc. to use and get employed in the field of AI. No one wants to miss the boat of AI! We are seeing a lot of development in the area of AI. How AlphaGo beating the world's best GoPlayer, how AI is writing a persuasive article (scary) - New AI fake text generator may be too dangerous to release, say creators AI is now everywhere and increasing at very fast speed. Like any other technology or advancement, AI has its advantages and disadvantages. AI is doing very well in the area of medical science, space exploration, image classification etc. While many human jobs are...