As I promised I am happy to share this article on mind control using a machine. I am very confident that after reading this article, you will know how mind control can be possible in the near future. This subject is always debatable on moral grounds and if I analyzed this technology in the context of AI Threat, then it seems like a nightmare when AI get hold of our own invention and research to turn against us. This is why many great scientists and people like Stephen Hawking or Elon Musk are fearful of AI Advancement. To better understand this article, let's understand a few terms and their meaning: STIMOCEIVER The Stimoceiver is a tiny transceiver implanted in the head of a control subject, which can then be used to modify emotions and control behaviour. (source - ). When we discuss Stimoceiver, the first name which pops our mind is of Dr José Manuel Rodríguez Delgado, José Manuel Rodríguez Delgado was a Spanish professor of phys...
This blog contain my views on latest technology trends in the area of AI, Software Testing, Security & Data Analysis