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Showing posts from 2009

Database Knowledge for a Tester Part IV

1 COMPUTATIONS ON TABLE DATA Computations on table data may include displaying an employee’s name and the employee salary from the EMPLOYEE Master table alongwith the annual salary of the employee (i.e. Salary * 12). This can be achieved by using Arithmetic operator. We will see all these explained in below mentioned sections. 1.1 Operators Usage 1.1.1 Arithmetic Operator Oracle allows arithmetic operators to be used while viewing records from the table or while performing Data Manipulation operations such as Insert, Update and Delete. For e.g. Consider we want to increment the salary of all employees by Rs 500. UPDATE EMPLOYEE SET SALARY = (SALARY + 500) Similarly you can use the above arithmetic operator for manipulating other data based on the requirement. 1.1.2 Logical Operator The AND operator The AND operator requires that each condition must be met for the record to be included in the result set. It can be used in any valid SQL statement such as Select, Ins...

Database Knowledge for a Tester Part III

1. CONSTRAINT CONCEPTS 1.1. Data Constraints Business Rules, which are enforced on data being stored in a table, are called Constraints. It super control the data being entered into a table for permanent storage. If constrains fails during insertion or updation of records, then entire record will be rejected and Insert or Update operation failed. There are 2 types of data constraints which can be further classified as described in below sections. Input/Output Constraints The Primary Key Constraint The Foreign Key Constraint The Unique Key Constraint Business Rule Constraints CHECK Constraints 1.2. Input/Output Data Constraints 1.2.1. Primary Key Constraint Primary Key Constraint defined at Column Level Normally used, to define a single primary key in a table. SYNTAX: [COLUMN NAME] [DATATYPE] ([SIZE]) PRIMARY KEY E.g. CREATE TABLE employee (employee_no varchar2 (10) PRIMARY KEY, employee_name varchar2 (25)); Primary Key Con...

Database Knowledge for a Tester Part II

1 SQL Concepts 1.1 Basic Data Types 1.2 Basic SQL Commands 1.1.1 Create Table SYNTAX: CREATE TABLE [Table Name] ([ColumnName1] [Datatype] ([size]), [ColumnName..n] [Datatype] ([size])); Rule for creating table: · Name can have maximum upto 30 chars. · Name should begin with an Alphabet (A-Z, a-z) and optionally followed by numbers (0-9) · Special character “_” underscore is allowed and also recommended. · SQL reserved words like create, select etc are not allowed. E.g. CREATE TABLE employee (employee_no varchar2 (10), employee_name varchar2 (25)); 1.1.2 Insert Data into Tables SYNTAX: INSERT INTO [TABLE NAME] ([COLUMNNAME1], [COLUMNNAME...N]) VALUES ([EXPRESSION1], [EXPRESSION2]); For e.g. INSERT INTO employee (employee_no, employee_name) VALUES (‘E001’, ‘Sachin Kumar’); Note: Character & Date expressions placed with in the INSERT INTO statement must be enclosed in single quotes. In INSERT INTO if the number of values is same as the number of column then ...

Database Knowledge for a Tester - Part I

1. Database concepts 1.1 Codd’s Rule for RDBMS – 12 Rule Rule 1: The Information Rule All data should be presented in a table form Rule 2: Guaranteed Access Rule All data should be accessible without ambiguity. Rule 3: Systematic Treatment of Null Values Support for Null values which is distinct from an empty string or a number with a value of zero. Rule 4: Dynamic Online Catalog based on the Relational model A relational database must provide access to its structure through the same tools that are used to access the data. Rule 5: Comprehensive Data Sublanguage Rule The DB must support at least one clearly defined language that includes functionality for Data Definition, Data Manipulation, Data Integrity, and Database Transaction Control. Rule 6: View Updating Rule Each view in the database should support the same full range of data manipulation that has direct access to a table available. In reality, providing update and delete access to logical views is difficult and is n...

Mantis - Defect Management Tool - User Guide

Introduction This white paper contains information related to an open source defect management tool called Mantis which is freely available for managing all your defects. Where to Download One can download the latest version of Mantis from Download the “mantis-stable” and then “”.1.1 PRE-REQUISITE Operating System Windows 2003 Server, MacOS, OS/2, Linux, Solaris Database MySQL database 3.23.2 and higher Software PHP 4.0.6 and higher Application Server Apache 1.3, Apache 2.0.54, IIS 6.0 with Web Services Extension Browser IE6 and above, Mozilla Firefox STEPS FOR INSTALLATION – FOR WINDOWS MySQL Installation Install MySQL by downloading it from . Please follow the below mentioned steps while installing MySQL: (Please remember the password for “root” account...